Coupons & Discounts
We strive to offer our customers competitive product pricing , quick and reliable shipping and a safe and enjoyable shopping experience.
First Time Customer Discount
If you never shopped at our store in the past , then a warm welcome from our team . We hope you'll enjoy our product assortment and the shopping experience we offer. Every new customer is entitled for a 7% discount on their 1st order after signing up with a valid e-mail address. Coupon will be automatically generated and provided before checking out . Please enter coupon code during the checkout process to adjust your order total ( coupon will automatically apply if you copy it by clicking on the copy icon in the code revealing window ) . This is a one time coupon per customer account and is valid for 24 h .
Free Shipping
From time to time we do offer free shipping and other promotions . Please make sure you sign up for our newsletter to be informed.
Shipping Cost Discount
For a limited time , we now offer $5.00 shipping discount on ordered over $99.00 . The discount will automatically apply to your order once the $99 order threshold is reached .
Happy Shopping !